Lawyers of the Law Company Inmar Legal Ltd submitted a legislative initiative to the Chairperson of the Committee for Land Use and Construction Preparation Rules at the territory of Vladivostok Urban District.

In compliance with the provisions of the article 13 of the Land Use and Construction Preparation Rules at the territory of Vladivostok Urban District (hereinafter named as Rules) Lawyers of the Law Company Inmar Legal Ltd took an initiative and submitted and offer to the Chairperson of the Committee for Land Use and Construction Preparation Rules at the territory of Vladivostok Urban District.

Lawyers believe that in spite of detailed execution of the Rules, they have some provisions sometimes causing less efficient use of land plots and capital construction objects, that also reduces their cost.

For instance, urban development regulations, presented in the part 2 of the Rules, have exhaustive lists of allowed usage types. At the same time there are a lot of cases when land plots within one territory have types of allowed use that are not listed in urban planning regulations of these areas. The situation becomes more complicated when a real estate owner can not exclusively purchase land plots under the building and adjacent territory due to impossibility of their combination in terms of different types of allowed use.