


In modern world, transport along with energy is one of the most important economic sectors. Globalization of transport processes, complicated logistics, a variety of legal regulations require practical knowledge of this area. Our team provides a full range of legal services in marine, air, railway, and automobile transport.

Foreign Investments

Attraction of foreign investments into national economy is one of the priorities of the Russian government policy. Under modern commercial practices Russian businesses actively become investors not only in our country but also abroad. Inmar Legal Ltd specialists are capable of  providing a full legal support of investment projects and transactions, we can carry out the legal analysis of security of investment objects and consult on insurance of investment projects.

Real Estate & Construction

Real estate has always been a major asset both for physical and legal bodies regardless of their business occupation. Inmar Legal Ltd can provide overall legal support in acquisition, transition and termination of the rights to real estate and legal protection of property.


Global development of civilization and population growth demand an increasing volume of food production. Russia holds the first place in the world on the acreage of agricultural lands. In the Russian Federation, the state supports agriculture. Specialists of our team can carry out a complete legal analysis on possibility of conducting agricultural business in a certain region and  prepare the necessary package of documents, including permissions and certificates. We can also carry out legal support in obtaining licenses, certifications and state support of agricultural producers in animal industry, crop growing, and aquaculture.


Trade is the engine of economy. There is no need to speak of the importance of trading activities in the modern world, their extensiveness and diversity. The specialists of our company can help you to obtain the necessary documents (certificates, licenses, permissions) to set up trading activities, to register the property rights to retail facilities. We can also carry out preliminary and subsequent analysis of commercial transactions of all kinds and represent your interests in case of any disputes with the state or municipal bodies.

Restaurant Business and Catering

Restaurant business even under a recent financial and economic crisis has been developing intensively all over the world. Understanding that this business is quite delicate, risky and subject to intensified control of state bodies, our specialists can consult on setting up this business,  help obtaining the necessary documents, coordinate the formalities, register rental or property rights to premises (building) and provide legal support in disputes with consumers, state and municipal authorities.

Hotel Business

Hotel business is a complex of various services and relations between clients and counterparts. Specialists of our team can provide overall consultation on setting up hotel business: preliminary and subsequent analysis of transactions on acquisition of real estate, purchase of materials and equipment. We can also provide legal support on various hotel services, assist in obtaining hotel certifications, represent our clients in administrative cases and render legal aid in labor disputes.