Inmar Legal Ltd gave sponsorship support to the competition “Zhemchuzhina Primorya. The winter 2005”


In an effort to develop an active life position, creative potential and socially important values of today youth the Legal Company Inmar Legal Ltd gave sponsorship support to the competition “Zhemchuzhina Primorya. The winter 2005”, that turned out in the context of the regional festival “Zhemchuzhina Primorya”.

“Zhemchuzhina Primorya” Festival is conducted by the Creative Association “Zhemchuzhina Primorya” with the support of the Governor of Primorsky region, Department of Culture in Primorsky region, the Sailors’ Palace of Culture of Opened Joint Stock Company “Far-Eastern Shipping Company” and Primorsky Institute for Retraining and Advanced Studies of Educational Workers.