Federal Antimonopoly Service interfered with a situation оf bunkering
to the Internet portal Fishnews.ru Federal Antimonopoly Service issued to the
Central Energetically customs the instruction about elimination of a law’s
Antimonopoly Service’s complaints caused by teletype messages, concerning refuelling
of vessels.
February 5 the FAS Commission confirmed the Central Energetically Customs (CEC),
and also Northwest and Southern energetically customs posts broken part 1 of
article 15 Federal Law “About Protection of the Competition”.
FAS Commission, having studied all produced evidence and having heard positions
of the parties, came to a conclusion that CEC actions, according to edition and
the direction the teletype messages to power customs posts chiefs, lead to
restriction of the competition and violate part 1 of article 15 of the Federal law “About Protection of the Competition”.
was decided to give CEC instructions about the termination of violation of the
antitrust law.
more detail about it: Fishnotice.com
Inmar Legal Ltd. already paid attention that the CEC requirements, contradicting
the international conventions and the Russian Federation current legislation,
create threat of navigation safety, crew members life and health at implementation of
long-term forwarding flights without possibility of a bunkering in the sea.
Besides, similar restriction will cause enormous damage of domestic fishery
branch, will entail substantial damages for the Russian shipowners.
more detail about it: Fishnews.ru