Dmitry Kafanov talks of the regional event of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum
On May 19 the regional event of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum organized by Inmar Legal Co. will take place will take place in Vladivostok for the first time.
The St. Petersburg International Legal Forum organized by the Russian Ministry of Justice and supported by the President of the Russian Federation is the largest domestic platform for discussion of important legal issues as part of the global social and economic concerns.
Every year the participants in the forum are Russian and foreign highest officials, leading world experts in economics, law and international relations, heads of legal divisions of the world’s largest corporations, representatives of the international legal community.
As the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On organization of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum” dated March 08, 2016 states, federal authorities, local authorities of entities of the Russian Federation, public associations, scientific and educational organizations concerned are recommended to take part in the forum.
For further details on the coming event refer to the commentary of Dmitry Kafanov for RIA PrimaMedia.
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